Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Feeling 22

It was my birthday sometime in the recent past! Yay! El-ahrairah, charming trickster prince that he is, planned an amazing scavenger hunt for my birthday. Evidently, he has been working on it since at least March.

The first clue! Also, we're inside our shiny new (used) car! I almost forgot to blur out my name...

There were 22 clues, to represent my 22 years of living. The clues were about our six years of friendship and courtship, so the first one talks about when we met. We went all over Provo: the library, our apartments, the store. This one was in the Kennedy Center, where we found his mission on a map and talked about my study abroad:

I'm glad I got to paper-bag myself here, that was not the best smile. Also, Percy Jackson shirt woo!

One of our first dates after he returned from his mission was at Slab Pizza. We are both huge fans of their Thai Chicken variety. I highly, highly recommend it if you like peanut sauce, red peppers, chicken, cilantro, and scallions...Mmmm.

The clue was inserted in the little number-holder thing you get when you place your order. El-ahrairah had to have gone there ahead of time and arranged that. We also recommend Sangria soda. Yum.

I had to call various family members for additional clues, I had to go to the store and buy carrots (representing the first snowman we made together), and I went to Campus Floral to pick up a violet rose (roses are red, violets are blue). Inside the flower arrangement was yet another clue! The penultimate puzzle was found in the firepit, where we sang campfire songs just before he proposed to me.

After we sang songs together, he sang a song to me asking me to marry him--in both English and ASL!

Finally, we wound up at the temple. Aw! So cheesy! We had a lovely time there reminiscing together and looking forward to our sealing. Also, I got a headband, a watch, and a dinner at Olive Garden as my birthday gift. I am one spoiled girl!

The end. Or the beginning, I suppose.
