Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Our first Sunday

June 14 was our first real actual Sunday as a married couple! We had been married for two Sundays, but the first was during our honeymoon and the second was in XXXXX when we were out of town for my former roommate's wedding. So, last weekend was our first real one, in our real actual married ward! Woo! Here's a journal entry of sorts of our goings-on on that day.

We started the day out right by waking up ten minutes before church started. Oops. Luckily, we literally (literally) live a 60-second walk away from our church building, so it was alright; we were only kinda late. Plus, our church blocks are backward, with Relief Society/Elder's Quorum first, then Sunday School, then Sacrament meeting, so at least we didn't walk in late in front of everybody.

Then we made tacos for lunch! We had fasted our breakfast and dinner earlier in preparation for dedicating our apartment. It was a nice little thing to do to help make our new place our home.

Then we used our brand-spanking-new crockpot to prepare Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas. Delicious.

Then we made Four-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies (which, incidentally, I just found out were gluten-free*) and stuck some dark chocolate Hershey's kisses (which are not gluten-free, apparently) that were leftover favors from our wedding. I'm not sure people new that we had favors at our wedding. There were a lot left over. Anyone need any Hershey's kisses?

Then El-ahrairah and I enjoyed a rousing game of Bananagrams, a wedding gift from Genuine Article and D.A.R.E.! Thanks guys! I'm really glad we put that on our registry. El-ahrairah won EXCEPT he used the word "dobs," which come to find out is not, in actuality, a word (at least not in any language I know), so the victory was turned over to me.

We spent some relazing time writing in our journals and reading scriptures, then emailed/called our families. We also went on a walk around our apartment complex and made out for a bit :) and finally tidied up our apartment before going to bed.

I wanted to write out all those things we did because, at the end of the day, it seemed really impressive that we did all of those things on a Sunday--which usually turn out to be pretty lazy days for me. I think being married helps me to be more productive. That's an awesome plus.


*I eat gluten, but I keep my eyes out for gluten-free recipes in case I ever need to cook or bake for any of my gluten-free friends.

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