Saturday, November 21, 2015

Date: Temple Night

A few months ago, we decided that our ideal goal for temple attendance would be once every two weeks. We certainly haven't made that goal every time, but I'm pretty content that our frequency since then hasn't dropped below once a month. Some weeks ago, Owlet asked if I wanted to go to the temple the next day. Of course I wanted to, but I felt that I was too busy with homework to go, so I said I'd rather go another time. But the next day I was a little overwhelmed with one of my labs, and managed to waste pretty much the entire day as a result. I realized that what I really needed wasn't time, but the perspective and discipline to focus. Without that, I might find it increasingly difficult to get anything done. In other words, I didn't have time not to go to the temple.

So after work we drove the half-mile to the Provo temple, and Owlet enjoyed her first taste of chicken-fried steak in the temple cafeteria. And the endowment session was very nice. I remember almost falling asleep only once, learning something deep that I've forgotten by now, and having a sweet experience together with Owlet. 

So, was it worth it? Spiritually and emotionally, I definitely think so. Temporally, the following week I was able to focus on my labs and projects much better than I had since the beginning of the semester. I'm sure I saved at least twice as much time as I invested. I hadn't really connected my new-found efficiency to my temple attendance until now, but I bet there's a connection. Yay temples! Thanks for the great date, sweetheart!


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