Sunday, July 3, 2016

Our First Anniversary!

Hey people! Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, if you're upset about that, I'll give you double your money back. :) Here's what happened for our first anniversary:

We went to a bed and breakfast a couple hours away from where we live. I kind of wanted to "recreate" our honeymoon in some ways, like going to a relaxing little town on a lake and playing games and eating food. Yep, that's the best.
We went to a fancy restaurant and had our first legit cheeseboard. Sharp cheddar, white cheddar, bleu, brie, and smoked gouda, with apple & pear slices and grapes and crackers and honey. My favorite was the white cheddar, El's was smoked gouda.
Also from Pinterest.
To be honest, the B&B got old kind of fast and there wasn't much to do in town. We loved the zoo we found, though. 
Baby llama!
After we got home, we thawed out our frozen cake tier from our wedding! We did our best to keep it frozen as we did our cross-country road trip. The verdict? El-ahrairah said it tasted "surprisingly good." I thought it was a little on the dry side and the frosting was a little weird, but it was good enough for me to eat, like, three slices, so I'd say thumb's up. I heard chocolate freezes better than some other flavors, so I'm glad we went with that.

Anyway, it was a great anniversary, and I'm so glad to be married to this smart, kind, and goofy redhead!


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