Sunday, June 21, 2015

A true love story

Here's the true love story of Owlet and El-ahrairah, written in awkward third-person/first-person plural. (Some of this can be found on the Board too.) Huzzah!

The two of us met on the cross-country (long distance running) team in high school. We became good friends, talking about books during lunch and cheering each other on at meets.

Owlet almost asked El-ahrairah to the girl's choice dance that winter, but chickened out; ironically, it was at that dance that El-ahrairah realized he really needed to take Owlet on a date sometime.
We soon went on a double date to El-ahrairah's sister's ballet recital, after which we played some video games that El-ahrairah let Owlet win because he didn't want her to feel bad...and then Owlet smashed him at all the subsequent games. That spring, we attended prom together and had a dandy time.

After writing to each other during El-ahrairah's mission in Australia, we met up again at BYU.

When we first started dating, Owlet showed El-ahrairah this awesome music video of a love song in American Sign Language. Owlet has been studying ASL for years and it's a big part of her life and career goals.

"Oh, Darling" in ASL

Another big part of her life is her family—such as her younger sister and younger brother, serving missions in Place 1 and Place 2, respectively. With all these elements in mind, El-ahrairah planned what started out to be a normal yet creative date.

We went to a Place-2-related restaurant for dinner, and then had a lovely walk to a nearby firepit to roast marshmallows and sing campfire songs. El-ahrairah then turned to Owlet and said, "I have a song I'd like to sing to you." Owlet was delighted when he began singing and signing "Oh Darling," the love song that she had shared with him a year before. He changed the last part of the lyrics, though, to "So I've got to ask you, I can't be afraid...Owlet, will you marry me?" and presented the ringbox on one knee. (Um, except he didn't really call me "Owlet." That would have been somewhat less romantic.)

We celebrated with Place-2-related dessert, of course, to bring it all together.

-El-ahrairah and Owlet

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