Saturday, June 27, 2015

Avatar: The Last Wallbender

Last night The Wall hosted an Avatar: The Last Airbender-themed event. I was totally all over it. We had had other plans for our date that week, but we changed our plans as soon as we saw the poster.

Image from the event page on Heyevent.

And with an admission fee of $1, how could we resist? A:TLA is one of the greatest memories of my childhood, watching all three seasons on Netflix repeatedly with my little brother. I showed the show to El while we were dating and was so excited to see him get into it, too. If you like family-friendly shows with surprisingly dynamic characters, tons of adventure, and great art to boot, you have to check it out. (But don't watch the Shyamalan movie. It stinks.)

This shows their personalities so well. I love these characters!

There were about 25 people in attendance, and we had a blast. We were each assigned a nation—El and I got put in Fire Nation, which was lame at first but we ended up with a lot of national pride and got to joke about "hotman" and fireflakes and honor and stuff. We some Avatar-themed "minute to win it" games like blowing bubbles across space through a hula hoop (water), blowing ping pong balls off a table (air), bouncing bouncy balls into buckets (fire), and lifting plastic cups with a rubber band  to build a pyramid (earth).

Sadly, our team didn't even come close to winning, but we did have a fun time hanging out and eating milkshakes and fries afterward.

I wanted to wear my Katara costume, but it's stored at my family house in XXXXX right now, so that will have to wait ... until they host the event again in the fall!

Also, shout out to Maven and Mr. Maven for sending us season 3 (book 3) on DVD as a wedding gift! It also came with such an adorable note. Thanks so much for your support, guys! El-ahrairah and I are so excited to start watching it again. Definitely one of our favorite gifts.


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