Saturday, August 1, 2015

Date: Hiking, flowers, and the temple!

Last month we celebrated our 1,000 hour of being married! El-ahrairah and I enjoy celebrating the little things :) I hadn't realized that it was coming up, so El-ahrairah completely surprised me when he picked me up from work with a bouquet of fresh flowers in the front seat! He did such a great job of choosing them. Yeah, I get that flowers just die anyway, but they really make me feel special and loved. I think gifts might be my secondary love language, if you believe in that stuff.

They match our table so nicely!

What's more, my "primary" love language is words of affirmation, and the flowers came with this adorable note from my sweetheart:

1 hour after marriage, we enjoy taking photos outside the temple
10 hours A.M., we enjoy our first dance at our reception.
100 hours A.M., we enjoy a lovely restaurant on our blissful honeymoon.
1000 hours A.M., we enjoy a restful sleep after going to the temple (tonight)
10,000 hours A.M., we enjoy a summer vacation to Vegas.
100,000 hours A.M., we enjoy a riveting FHE lesson by 6 year old Hazel on animals
1,000000 hours A.M., we enjoy a family reunion at the original cabin with Great Great Grandpa Symons and 147 of our descendants among the attendees.
10,000,000 hours A.M., we enjoy a day on our latest experiment--an entire planet of dancing mushrooms.

(Also some other mushy stuff I'm not going to post here. :D )

(Dancing mushroom is part of an inside joke. You should ask El-ahrairah about it sometime. Long story short, it's code for "love.")

Then we had plans to go to the temple--we try to go roughly every other Friday--but it turns out that the Provo temple is closed for cleaning (which unfortunately shows you how long it's been since the last time we went). So we had a nice little walk around and enjoyed the flowers.

Then, after making dinner, we headed up the canyon to go hiking. We hiked to Bridal Veil Falls. Which actually wasn't very strenuous or interesting of a hike, but the falls were nice.

Finally, we stopped at The Chocolate, a dessert cafe, to use a gift certificate we got from my former roommates. Thanks guys! We got a trifle cup for me and a cazookie for El-ahrairah. And they were both awesome! In particular, the cazookie was HUGE, and we got to have two cookie doughs in it: chocolate chip and white chocolate chip macadamia nut. And then there was a big scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top. It was like the most amazing thing ever.

A cazookie (or pazookie, depending on who you ask) is a warm, half-baked cookie on the bottom of a shallow circular pan topped with vanilla ice cream. See also: heaven.

And I only have partially-eaten pictures of it because ... yeah.


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