Saturday, August 29, 2015


When our friends got married a few months before us, they mentioned that their ward wasn't too friendly -- everyone seemed satisfied being paired off in their own little couples and it was hard to get to know people. I had heard that was common among married student wards, and I was worried because I knew it could be hard to maintain friendships once you got married. I shouldn't have feared, though, because our ward has been AMAZING, and we have awesome callings to boot!

El-ahrairah is the Sunday School secretary, so he's in charge of taking roll and keeping notes for meetings and all that good stuff. I thought our ward was pretty progressive when they invited me to join their Sunday School presidency meetings! I guess it's not that big of a deal, but it's been really fun to think of each other's callings as our callings, and to be an active voice in those meetings.

Speaking of our callings, mine is chair of the activities committee! That's what they said when they called me to it, anyway. When I asked if it was for Relief Society or ward activities, they clarified that it was Relief Society activities chair ... but that I'd be helping out with ward activities too. In the Church leadership handbook, I'm technically the Relief Society Meetings Coordinator. At any rate, I plan fun stuff for our ward to do! I currently only have one committee member, but we'll get more soon. I've only been in this calling for like two weeks, but it's already been super busy! There are a lot of activities in this ward, and I hope I'm up for the challenge. I mean, the last birthday party I threw only had like 5 people come; I'm not sure I'm enough of a social person for this calling. I'm a good organizer, though, so I'll just need to get some really peppy people on my team, and we'll have the best activities ever. This has already been the most time-consuming calling I've ever had, so we'll see how it goes! At least it helps me get over my shyness; lots of people know my name now, so it's nice to feel like one of the go-to people in the ward (even though we've only been here two months!).

Oh, and one of the first things I did was try to find out who in the ward had food allergies/dietary restrictions, because I'm learning a lot about that at work. Evidently I still have a lot of people to learn about because today I tried to give normal chocolate chip cookies to a person in our ward with celiac disease. Oops. (I knew that peanut butter cookie recipe would come in handy! Next time, next time.)


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