Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Adventures of Grocery Shopping

When El-ahrairah hasn't had ice cream for a while, he gets a little crazy. We go to LoLo's grocery store for the student discount on Thursdays, and a few weeks ago El really needed some ice cream. (Really. Needed.) We picked up a tub of Sprinkled Animal Cookie flavor. Like this:

Source: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55819710e4b0f153d10a6de0/55898abce4b0bafb124d6037/55899695e4b09503829b3c7d/1437690295862/?format=300w

Oh, and we got some healthy food too! :D

Farm-fresh produce!

I don't know if farmer's market food is healthier for you, I have no idea if supporting local businesses is good for the economy, but visiting the farmer's market is sure fun (and the samples are dang good too! I love the salsa one). I love the autumn-y feel of the vendors' booths, seeing all the newly harvested goods and the homemade wares for sale. It's definitely a symbol of the season.


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