Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Date: Exploring Center Street

If you have't noticed, exploring is the of El's and my favorite things! I was having a bad day one Thursday, so El-ahraiah said "Hey, wanna check out that cool-looking bookstore downtown?" He was talking about Pioneer Book! I'm so glad that I have a husband that so often knows exactly what I need. So I, being me, excitedly agreed and we spent the rest of the evening walking down Center Street in Provo.

Center Street is a pretty happening place. For one thing, that's where the Tempernacle is being built (temple + tabernacle; we're trying to make that one catch on). And there's a bunch of random art too.

Finally we ended up at Demae, a Japanese restaurant. Apparently, Tuesday and Thursday nights are their "Sushi Special" nights when they offer discounts on sushi. So we got a tempura shrimp + spicy mayo roll and a roll with salmon, cucumber, and crab. Yummy!

We liked the tempura shrimp roll the best. Only $3.95 or something like that.
All in all, it was a great way to spend our third month-aversary! Here's to many much more exploring in the months and years to come.


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