Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Special Plate!

I found about the special plate tradition when my former roommate received a special plate at her bridal shower. The idea is that you have a special plate (obvious, I know) that you bring out when a family member is having a special day, or when you have a special guest visiting. For example, it could be used for a child's birthday dinner, or for the last day of finals, or when your sister visits for a sleepover. I don't know, lots of things I'm sure. Anyway, the "traditional" special plate sold at stores like Target and Kohl's or wherever is red and says "You are Special Today."

You are special today red plate
Image source: http://www.redplatestore.com/you-are-special-today-red-plate.aspx?gclid=CjwKEAjw3uWuBRD_s-3a8-_h6j0SJAC-qgtHH3jRsdv6-K6D9bXl_LqEh0hlZ6LnQBK6FP6yiYicIBoChLbw_wcB

Which is kind of cute except I'm not a huge fan of the color red nor of the saying "You are Special Today" -- I'm not sure why. (Plus, these babies run for about $30 each. Ouch.)

However, I super love the idea of celebrating the little things in cute but simple ways, so of course when El-ahrairah and I stopped at a ceramics-painting shop on our honeymoon, I knew we needed to make a "special plate" of our own. Something that would be unique for our family, so it could be a tradition all our own.

So we set about designing and painting our very own special plate. We got the plate from the "discount" basket (I guess there were some kind of abnormalities about it; we couldn't tell, though), so it was only like $10.

It took us forever to decide on a design, and quite a while to paint it, but it was totally worth it. We decided to go with the quote "You are the special" from one of our favorite movies, The Lego Movie. Mostly because we couldn't think of anything I liked better.

The finished product is super cute and matches the colors of our kitchen decor (red definitely wouldn't have). I'm super excited to pull it out for our future children and celebrate the successes in their lives! No picture because it has our last name on it :/

Oh, and I got to use the special plate the other day! El-ahrairah was setting the table and put the plate out for me because I drove stick shift on some real roads with real other cars on the road! I thought it was kind of a little thing to go through the trouble of using the special plate, but I was excited to try it out and be all special and stuff.

Come to find out, the only reason he brought out the special plate was because all our other plates were dirty. Geez, El. Special plates are supposed to be special.

We're going to work on that. (El-ahrairah insists that we used it because I AM SPECIAL. To which I say ... everyone is special, dear, but having all our dishes dirty does not exactly make that day special. Ha.)


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