Tuesday, December 8, 2015


For Labor Day weekend a few months ago, we had the chance to go visit our families. IT WAS SO AWESOME GUYS. Not only were we able to attend my friend's wedding reception, but we also got to just hang out with our parents and El's siblings and just chill. Three day weekends are the best.

An important highlight was getting to meet Reeses, El's sister's new kitten! She's adorable. I'm not really an animal person (and I always feel like a bad person when I say that, but it is what it is), yet Reeses totally stole my heart. And, I'm afraid, El-ahrairah's. Those two were best buds the whole trip, evidenced in El-ahrairah not getting any homework done:

I hung out with El's family and my mom a lot while El-ahrairah was busy doing homework. Reeses helped.

She's just barely heavy enough to press down the keys on his keyboard.

Which at one point caused his computer to crash. Oops.

I hope El will love our future children as much as he loves this cat.


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