Sunday, February 28, 2016

Our Turn for the Tempernacle

The Provo City Center Temple open house did not disappoint. We loved the old-style designs on the walls and floors, and we really enjoyed how colorful everything was—in a lot of temples, everything is very white, and that's nice too, but it was cool to see all the stained glass and flowers and fabrics with such vibrant colors in this temple. It reminded me of the Salt Lake temple in that way.

It was also really nice to think back on our own sealing in the Boise temple. I liked what Elder Holland said in the introductory video, something along the lines of "Heaven, just wouldn't be heaven without my wife, and my children." Often in the midst of day-to-day tasks, I forget how crazy awesome it is to be married to El-ahrairah. Our marriage still seems so new. It's like a quote from one of the Percy Jackson books, The Mark of Athena:
As long as he'd known Annabeth, he still felt like he understood so little about her. Even after they'd been dating several months, their relationship had always felt new and delicate, like a glass sculpture. He was terrified of doing something wrong and breaking it.
I'm not worried that we'll "do something wrong and break it," but I'm not fully convinced that my subconscious knows that yes, this is for real! When something that life-changing happens, you have to pinch yourself and wonder if you're not going to wake up in the morning and realize it was a dream. I'm in awe sometimes when I remember that we actually made it this far, we're here, together, actually married!

So basically, temples are great. Sometimes they make me all mushy inside.

Also, using quotes from Elder Holland and Percy Jackson in the same post = win.


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