Sunday, February 21, 2016

Why Blog?

Let's be honest, I totally only started this blog to share Board Baby pictures once we have kids. Because, let's be honest again, I totally love to stalk Board writers and ooh and aah over their adorable offspring. (Not as creepy as it sounds...)

In the meantime, I've been enjoying writing whatever pops into my head. Sometimes it looks like I try to start a consistent kind of thing, and then it stops. That's just kind of the nature of our blog. I found another blog post that help describe my approach:
I do it for me. When a post has a motivational emphasis, it is usually because I need some motivating. When it is doctrinal, it is usually because it is something I am learning. When it is funny, it is because I need a laugh.
I do it for my family. I write so that my posterity will never, ever, be in doubt as to what I believe and what I stand for. -Middle Aged Mormon Man
So this is my space just to record a few moments in my life, for my future self/family and anyone who's bored and curious about the life of Owlet and El-ahrairah. Sounds like a fine blog to me.


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