Saturday, September 19, 2015

Date: Bowling

Last month we went bowling for one of our dates!

It was a bit of a long week for me, so I was super excited to have this time to reconnect with El-ahrairah and make a fool out of myself bowling. I used to hate bowling because everyone watches you and, well, I'm not exactly a pro, but I'm over it now and I think it's fun!

Before we bowled, we had some delicious food at the Wall. You know, for being kind of a trying-really-hard-to-be-cool-but-not-quite-pulling-it-off kind of little place on campus, the Wall actually has some great burgers and fries. I especially like their Hawaiian burger!

Then, after driving back home to get some socks for me because I forgot and was wearing sandals, we headed over to the Game Center for the bowling!

Even though my wrist injury has been flaring up again, it was still pretty cool. I had to switch to my left hand eventually because my right wrist hurt too much ... the sad thing is, you can't even tell based on my scores at what point I switched. Ah, well.

Oh, um, I was Lover. And El-ahrairah was Redbeard.
El-ahrairah did awesome though! He was trying to break 100 points ...

At least 39 is my favorite number, so it's kind of cool I ended up with that ... right?

And he did! I'm so proud of him. He says that's a new personal best.

I'll try not to hate him for being so good at everything.


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